Soya Chunk Nutritional Value

  01/6Everything you need to know about Soya Chunks

Soya has become one of the most controversial food items these days. Is it rich in healthy omega 3 or it is loaded with harmful estrogen? Various concerns regarding some soy products have surfaced in the recent years, thus bringing back the love for soya chunks! Soya chunks are to a vegetarian what chicken breast is to a non-vegetarian- a great source of protein! However, that is not the only nutrient soya chunks have to offer. A plus point is that they are ridiculously easy to add to your diet. Want to know more? Keep reading!

02/6​What are soya chunks made of?

Soya chunks are made using soy flour that has been ‘defatted’ or the oil is removed. They are the byproducts left after extracting soybean oil and have a rough texture when left dry. The texture quickly changes to soft and spongy as soon as submerged in warm water or added to gravy. They are known as ‘vegetarian’s meat’ as their nutritional profile is comparable to several non-vegetarian foods. Soya chunks are also very versatile and can also be cooked to have a similar flavour as non-veg curries.

03/6​What is the nutrition value of soya chunks?

Soy is full of polyunsaturated fats, proteins and omega 3 fatty acids. 100 grams of uncooked soya chunks have 345 calories with 52 grams of protein, 0.5 grams total fat, 33 grams carbohydrates and 13 grams dietary fibre. They are also rich in calcium and iron while providing no extra sugar or sodium to the body.

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