Upper leg & Knee-Anatomy


The legs are the two lower limbs of the body. They provide support and a range of movements.

Each leg contains five regions. They’re known as the:

upper leg


lower leg



Upper leg anatomy and function

The upper leg is often called the thigh. It’s the area that runs from the hip to the knee in each leg.

Upper leg bones

Femur. Also called the thigh bone, this is the longest bone in the body. It’s also one of the strongest. It can account for about a quarter of someone’s height.

Upper leg muscles


The hamstrings are three muscles located on the back of the thigh. They allow the knees to bend.

The three hamstrings are the:



biceps femoris

Learn how to prevent and treat hamstring pain.


The quadriceps are four muscles located on the front of the thigh. They allow the knees to straighten from a bent position.

The four quadriceps are the:

vastus lateralis

vastus medialis

vastus intermedius

rectus femoris

Try these three quadriceps stretches if you’re a runner.


The adductors are five muscles located on the inside of the thigh. They allow the thighs to come together.

The five adductors are the:

adductor magnus

adductor longus

adductor brevis

obturator externus


Learn how to strengthen your adductors.

Knee anatomy and function

The knee joins the upper leg and the lower leg. It’s also the largest joint in the body. In addition to bearing the weight of the upper body, the knee allows for walking, running, and jumping. It also allows for rotation and pivoting.

Knee bones

Patella. Also called the kneecap, the patella serves as a point of attachment for different tendons and ligaments. It also helps protect them from damage.

Knee ligaments

Ligaments are bands of connective tissue that surround a joint. They help support joints and keep them from moving too much.

The knee contains four major ligaments:

Anterior cruciate ligament. This prevents the tibia in the lower leg from moving too far forward.

Posterior cruciate ligament. This prevents the knee from moving too far backward.

Medial collateral ligament. This provides stability for the inner knee.

Lateral collateral ligament. This helps stabilize the outer knee.

Knee tendons

Tendons are also bands of connective tissue. They’re found on the ends of muscles, where they help attach muscle to bone. The largest tendon in the knee is the patellar tendon. It attaches the tibia to the patella. The quadriceps tendon attaches the quadriceps muscle to the patella.

What’s the difference between tendons and ligaments? Find out here.

Other important structures

The knee contains a variety of structures that help it support weight and allow a range of movements. Some of the most important structures include:

Bursa. Bursae (plural) are small sacs filled with fluid in the knee joint. There are about 14 of them in each knee. They help reduce friction and inflammation in the knee.

Meniscus. The knee contains two menisci (plural), known as the medial meniscus and lateral meniscus. They’re discs of cartilage that act as shock absorbers. In addition, they help evenly distribute weight, providing balance and stability.
