Cough Preventive Measures
Cough Preventive Measures
What preventive measures can be taken to avoid a cough?
While infrequent coughing is necessary to clear the airways, there are ways you can prevent other coughs.
Quit smoking
Smoking is a common contributor to a chronic cough. It can be very difficult to cure a smoker’s cough.
There are a wide variety of methods available to help you stop smoking, from gadgets to advice groups and support networks. After you stop smoking, you’ll be much less likely to catch colds or experience a chronic cough.
Dietary changes
An older study in 2004 found that people who ate diets high in fruit, fiber, and flavonoids were less likely to experience chronic respiratory symptoms such as a cough.
If you need help adjusting your diet, your doctor may be able to advise you or refer you to a dietitian.
Medical conditions
If you can, you should avoid anyone with a contagious illness, such as bronchitis, to avoid coming into contact with germs.
Wash your hands frequently and don’t share utensils, towels, or pillows.
If you have existing medical conditions that increase your chances of developing a cough, such as GERD or asthma, consult your doctor about different management strategies. Once the condition is managed, you may find that your cough disappears, or becomes much less frequent.
If you have a cough, the last thing you want to do is spread it to a friend or family member. Similarly, you’d probably hope your friends and family would do their best to avoid spreading their cough to you.
Having strong immune defenses will go a long way toward helping you fight off next cough, cold, or flu coming your way. And one of the best building blocks to a strong cold- and flu-fighting immune system is sleep. Poor quality sleep or not enough sleep have been found to lower resistance to illness4 so having your sleep hygiene habits dialed in can help you face the outside world head-on with confidence …and a few “handy” hygiene practices as well.
Practice good hand hygiene by washing your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If you don’t have access to soap and water use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
Cover your cough: cough into a tissue or into your elbow, but not into your hands.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth, all of which are easy entry points for bacteria and viruses into your body where they may cause infection.
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