Strep Throat - Treatment & Prevention

  Strep throat treatment

Because strep throat is a bacterial infection, your doctor will prescribe an antibiotic to treat it. These medications inhibit the spread of bacteria and infections. Several types of antibiotics are available.

It’s important that you finish your antibiotic treatment course to kill the infection completely. Some people stop taking their medication when symptoms improve, which can trigger a relapse. If this happens, the symptoms can return.

Penicillin and amoxicillin are the most common medications given for a strep infection. If you’re allergic to penicillin or amoxicillin, your doctor may prescribe the antibiotic azithromycin. Find out more about azithromycin for treating strep throat.

Strep throat home remedies

In addition to antibiotics, there are at-home treatments that can help relieve the symptoms of strep throat. These remedies include:

drinking warm liquids, such as lemon water and tea

drinking cold liquids to help numb the throat

turning on a cool-mist humidifier

taking over-the-counter pain relievers, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen

sucking on throat lozenges

adding 1/2 teaspoon of salt to 1 cup of water and gargling the mixture

Natural remedies such as honey and apple cider vinegar may also help. Here are 12 natural ways to relieve a sore throat.

Shop for cool-mist humidifiers.

Strep throat prevention

There is no vaccine available that prevents strep throat. One of the most effective ways to help avoid infection is by regularly washing your hands. If you can’t access soap and water, you can use a hand sanitizer instead.

Don’t share drinks or food with someone who has strep throat. If someone in your home has strep throat, don’t share their towels, sheets, or pillowcases. Wash dishes and laundry in water that’s hot and soapy.

If you have strep throat, sneeze or cough into the crook of your elbow or a tissue rather than into your hand. Be sure to wash your hands frequently. Explore more ways to prevent strep throat.

Strep throat in adults

Strep throat is more common in children than in adults. Parents of school-aged children are more likely to become infected.

Adults who are frequently around children may also be more susceptible to strep throat.

Strep throat in toddlers

Although children are more likely than adults to have strep throat, it is very rare in toddlers under the age of 3 years. Strep throat most commonly occurs in children between the ages of 5 and 15.

Because it’s so contagious, strep throat can easily spread where children congregate, such as in day care centers and schools. Find out what to do if your baby has a sore throat.

Strep throat when pregnant

The bacteria that causes strep throat, group A streptococcus, is not the same as group B streptococcus, which is found around the vagina or rectum. While group B streptococcus can be passed to a baby during delivery, it is unrelated to the bacteria that causes strep throat.

If you think you may have strep throat during your pregnancy, see your doctor right away to discuss treatment options.

Your doctor may prescribe antibiotics and will carefully monitor your medications. Get a better understanding of how to treat strep throat when you’re pregnant.

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